Duitsland welkom!
(0,53€ por prato)
Pois é meus amigos apenas com 2 receitas já temos visitas de alemães ao nosso blog! Por isso decidi dar as boas vindas aos nossos amigos alemães com um prato alemão Zwiebelkuchen é claro com a sua alteração vegan! :)(0,53€ por prato)
Ingredientes para fazer a massa:
160g de farinha (0,0752€)
pitada de sal
1 colher de sopa de Maisena (0,04975€)
150g de margarina (0,204)
1 colher e meia de sopa de azeite (0,05925€)
4 colheres de sopa de leite de soja (0,04628)
Ingredientes para o recheio:
4 cebolas grandes(0,395€)
2 colheres de sopa de azeite (0,079€)
2 colheres de nozes (0,24€)
2 colheres de avelãs (0,24€)
1 couve-flor (700g = 1,13€)
1/2 sumo de um limão pequeno (0,13€)
alho em pó a gosto
pimenta preta moída na hora
Custo total de 5 refeições: 2,64€
Para fazer a massa:
1. Misturar com a varinha mágica a farinha, o sal, a maisena e a margarina derretida (eu derreto a minha numa taça no microondas).
2. Adicionar o azeite e o leite, misturar de novo com a varinha mágica.
3. Colocar a massa num pirex ou recepiente que possa ir ao forno (é suposto ser redondo mas não tenho nenhum por isso usei o que tinha à mão sugiro que faças o mesmo).
4. Por no frigorífico por 10 minutos.
Para fazer o recheio:
1. Aquecer o azeite numa frigideira e juntar a cebola cortada às meias luas. Fritar a cebola até ficar transparente.
7. Colocar no forno por mais 20 minutos no máximo(caso seja forno a gás) ou a 180ºC.
Well my friends with just two recipes in the blog there were Germans that have visited us! So I decided to welcome our German friends with a German dish: Zwiebelkuchen of course vegan! :)
The Pastry Base
1 1/2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 tbsp cornstarch
9 tbsp vegan margarine
1 1/2 tsp canola oil
4 tbsp soy milk
The Filling
4 big onions, peeled and sliced
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp of wallnuts
2 tbsp of hazelnuts
1 cauliflower
1/2 lemon juice from a small lemon
garlic powder to taste
fresh ground pepper
To make the pastry:
1. Combine the flour, salt and cornstarch in a food processor and pulse
once or twice to mix. Add the melted margarine and process until the mixture looks like rough breadcrumbs. Then
add the olive oil and soy milk until the mixture
clumps together as you process it (you may need to add more soy milk if
this consistency isn't reached).
2. Flatten the dough out into your pan and refrigerate for an 10minutes.
3. Preheat the oven to 160 degrees.
5. Prick the base with a fork and bake for 20 minutes.
To make the filling:
1. Heat the olive oil in a large pan and sauté the onions until lightly golden and cooked. Place in a mixing bowl.
2. Drain the wallnuts and hazelnuts (which have been soaking) and place in a food
processor with the lemon juice and process
until they form a smooth paste (you will likely need to scrape the sides
a lot).
3. Add the boiled cauliflower to the filling and process until all smooth.
4. Add this mixture to the bowl with the onions in it along with the
salt, pepper and garlic powder to taste. Mix well.
5. Pour the filling into the baked crust and smooth the top over.
6. Bake at 180 degres for 20 minutes.
Just would like to add that after tasting it, it was like a tunna pie! lol It was not intended but it was cool! :D
Nutritional information:
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