Salsichas Enroladas em Couve Lombarda

sábado, 1 de junho de 2013


3 salsichas vegan
6 folhas de couve lombarda
1 cebola picada
2 dentes de alho picados
1 lata pequena de tomate pelado
1 caldo de legumes
2 folhas de louro
Sal q.b.
Cravinho q.b.
Pimenta q.b.
Azeite q.b.
1 copo de vinho branco
1 copo da água que cozeu a couve
Palitos de madeira

Ingredientes do arroz:
1 copo de arroz
1/8 cebola picada
1 alho picado
1 cenoura ralada
2 copos da água que cozeu a couve

1. Corta os talos das couves e lava-as.
2. Numa panela com água a ferver, coze as folhas de couve durante 5 minutos.

Escorre para uma tigela para guardar a água da cozedura das folhas de couve.

3. Coloca o azeite num tacho largo.Junta a cebola picada, os alhos picados e as folhas de louro. Deixa refogar. 

4. Enrola as salsichas, coloca duas folhas de couve uma por cima da outra num prato e enrola a salsicha.Espeta dois palitos, um em cada ponta.Coloca as salsichas enroladas no prato.

5. Corta o tomate pelado para o refogado e junta a calda do tomate. Deixa refogar tudo.

Junta os rolos das couves no refogado, aconchega bem para caberem todas.
 Junta o caldo de legumes. 
Tempera com sal, cravinhos e pimenta. Rega tudo com o vinho branco e com a água que cozeu as folhas da couve. 
Se necessário, junta mais água durante a cozedura.
Tapa e deixe cozinhar durante 20 minutos. A meio da cozedura, vira os rolos.
6. Numa panela pequena coloca 1 alho picado e um pouco de cebola picada, azeite e refoga.

7. Junta a cenoura ralada, e mexe.

8. Acrescenta um copo de arroz, mexe e coloca 2 copos da água da cozedura da couve no arroz, tempera com sal.

9. Serve com arroz de cenoura, feito com a água da cozedura das couves.


3 vegan sausages
6 cabbage leaves
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 small can of peeled tomatoes
1 vegetable stock
2 bay leaves
Olive oil
1 glass of white wine
1 cup of water from the boiled cabbage
Wooden sticks

Ingredients for the rice:
1 cup of rice
chopped onion
1 chopped garlic
1 grated carrot
2 cups of water from the boiled cabbage

1. Cut the stalks of kale and wash.
2. In a pan of boiling water, boil the cabbage leaves during 5 minutes.
Drain it into a bowl to store the cooking water from cabbage leaves.
3. Put the olive oil in a pan with the chopped onion, chopped garlic and bay leaves. Let it cook.
4. Curl the sausages in two cabbage leaves. Put one on  top of the another on a plate and winds the sausage. Stick two sticks, one at each tip. Let it sit on a plate.
5. Cut the peeled tomatoes to the sauté and add the tomato juice too. Let it cook. Add the three sausages rolls.
Add thr vegetable broth.
Season with salt, pepper and cloves. Watering all with white wine and water that boiled the kale leaves.
If necessary, add more water during cooking.
Simmer for 20 minutes. Halfway through cooking, turn the sausage rolls.
6. In a small saucepan put 1 chopped garlic and a little chopped onion, olive oil and saute.
7. Add the grated carrot, and stir.
8. Add a cup of rice, stir and put 2 cups of the cooking cabbage water on the rice, season with salt.
9. Serve the sausages with carrot rice.

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