Wow, esta receita ... WOW!
Se vais a uma festa, ou vais fazer uma em casa, são os anos de alguém, Natal, Páscoa, o que for, esta salada sem dúvida é DELICIOSA!
6 batatas
1 iogurte natural de soja (125ml)
2 colheres de soja de maionese vegan
1/2 colher de chá de alho em pó
6 fitinhas de cebolinho
1/4 de pimento vermelho picado
1 cebola picada
sal fino
pimenta preta
sal grosso
1. Lavar as batatas e parti las em bocados, colocar numa panela de água a ferver com um pouco de sal grosso e deixá-las cozer cerca de 10min ou até conseguirem picar com o garfo e elas estarem tenras.
2. Escorrer as batatas e colocar numa taça a arrefecer.
3. Partir e picar finamente a cebola, o pimento vermelho e o cebolinho.
4. Colocar tudo na taça onde estão as batatas a arrefecer.
5. Depois de as batatas estarem bem frias, colocar 1 iogurte natural de soja e 2 colheres de sopa de maionese vegan, assim como sal fino, pimenta, alho em pó e misturar tudo uniformemente.
6. Colocar a taça no frigorífico e quando estiver fresca está pronta! =)
Wow , this recipe ... WOW !If you're going to a party or going to do it at home, birthdays Christmas, Easter , whatever, this salad is definitely
DELICIOUS !Ingredients:6 potatoes
1 natural soy yogurt ( 125ml )
2 tablespoons soy vegan mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
6 chives
1/4 chopped red pepper
1 onion, chopped
black pepper
1 . Wash the potatoes and cut them in pieces put them in a pot of boiling water with a little salt and let them cook for about 10 minutes or until you can poke with a fork and they are tender.
2 . Drain the potatoes and place in a bowl to cool.
3 . Finely chop the onion, red pepper and chives
4 . Put everything in the bowl where the potatoes are cooling down.
5 . After the potatoes are cold put 1 natural soy yogurt and 2 tablespoons vegan mayonnaise as well salt pepper garlic powder and mix everything evenly.
6 . Place the bowl in the refrigerator and when it is cool it is ready ! = )
1 natural soy yogurt ( 125ml )
2 tablespoons soy vegan mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
6 chives
1/4 chopped red pepper
1 onion, chopped
black pepper
1 . Wash the potatoes and cut them in pieces put them in a pot of boiling water with a little salt and let them cook for about 10 minutes or until you can poke with a fork and they are tender.
2 . Drain the potatoes and place in a bowl to cool.
3 . Finely chop the onion, red pepper and chives
4 . Put everything in the bowl where the potatoes are cooling down.
5 . After the potatoes are cold put 1 natural soy yogurt and 2 tablespoons vegan mayonnaise as well salt pepper garlic powder and mix everything evenly.
6 . Place the bowl in the refrigerator and when it is cool it is ready ! = )
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